
Trusted Medical Services 


Your Reliable Health Care Solution

At Geelong City Medical Clinic, we are proud to offer our patients a broad range of medical care services to better assist them in living a happier and healthier life. If you're interested in meeting with our healthcare professionals, please call us today.

What Services We Can Offer

To better provide our patients with the highest quality of health care, our team offers comprehensive whole-patient medical care that allows us to accommodate patients who require urgent, non-urgent, complex and planned chronic medical care. 

Our Services

  • General medical practice
  • Accidents and emergencies
  • Women's health
  • Travel medicine
  • ECG
  • X-ray, pathology and pharmacy within a short walk
  • Pap smear nurse
  • And more

Specialised Services

  • Diabetes treatments
  • Asthma treatments
  • Minor surgery
  • Fractures
  • Suturing lacerations
  • And more

Family Health

  • Child immunisations
  • Family planning
  • Health assessments
  • And more
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cultural diversity

Cultural Awareness

To help our patients feel more comfortable with their health care services, our team encourages patients to identify their cultural status with us to ensure any specialised services can be made. This is in conjunction with The Closing Gap Health Initiative for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Services Provided

Types of Appointments: We offer Face to Face (F2F) and Telehealth (Over the phone) appointments. Standard and Long Consultation F2F are available. We also offer Cervical Screening appointments, Excision Appointments and Immunisation Appointments. Please discuss with our Staff which you would like to make.

Repeat Prescriptions: It is important that you are reviewed prior to issuing scripts to reassess your progress and review if it is appropriate for you to continue on that medication and that dose. Therefore if you are on your last repeat please ring and make an appointment so you don’t run out of it. Scripts will not be written without review, except in exceptional circumstances. If you think you will run out of your medication prior to your next appointment please leave a message for your doctor with reception and an interim script may be possible to help cover your requirements until your next appointment.

Referral to Specialist: Higher Medicare rebates are available for specialist’s services if you are referred by your GP. This assists in ensuring your specialist is made aware of any relevant information that may be needed to assist in your care.

Please ensure that you check with your specialist’s secretary about whether you referral is up to date when you make your specialist appointment. If not please make an appointment to see your doctor prior to your specialist appointment. Medicare does not allow referrals to be backdated, so if you want to obtain the higher rebate for your specialist visit please see your doctor prior to seeing the specialists.

Phone Calls (receiving and returning)
Should you wish to speak with your doctor you may leave a message with reception and your doctor will return your call when possible. If the call is regarding a medical condition, it may be more appropriate to make an appointment to see a doctor.

Travel can be great fun, but can also result in serious illness. Depending on where you are going you may need vaccinations to prevent having your holiday ruined by illness. Please make an appointment at least 6 weeks prior to your departure if possible, as this will allow sufficient time for your body to respond well to any vaccinations that may be needed. We are an accredited Yellow Fever Vaccination Clinic. Please be aware an Appointment needs to be made for the Yellow Fever Vaccination.

Cultural Status
We encourage patients to identify their cultural status to us so that we can do our best to offer any specialised services, particularly as part of The Closing Gap Health Initiative in Australian health policy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Certificates: Medical Certificates are legal documents. They are available only if you are present for consultation with one of our doctors – we can not issue Certificates without you actually seeing the doctor.

Childhood Immunisations: Parents with children under the age of seven are encouraged to bring their blue/yellow immunisation books. So our staff can keep them up to date with your immunisations. 

Records: This practice has computer generated patient records and receives pathology, radiology and specialist reports via our computer modem which is protected by a ‘fire wall’. All patient records and details are kept strictly confidential.

Fees: Most of our doctors offer a bulk- billing service for patients on a health care card, pension and those patients 15 years and under. A full schedule of fees are held at the reception desk.

Common fees are listed below along with the Medicare rebate and what the out of pocket expense is. Our staff will offer to process your Medicare rebate at the time of payment so you will receive your rebate automatically. 

Our Current Fees
Private Fees Medicare Rebates Out of Pocket Expense
Standard Consult $90 $42.85 $47.15
Standard Consult (after hours*) $110 $55.80 $54.20
Long consult $130 $82.90 $47.10
Long consult (after hours*) $140 $95.70 $44.30
*After hours: After 1pm on Saturday, all day Sunday and public holidays and before 8am on weekdays

Health Assessment’s
Geelong City Medical Centre provides a range of preventative health services and health assessment’s based on each patient’s health care needs. The key aim of a health assessment is to provide a comprehensive overview of all aspects of your health and wellbeing. A health assessment can initiate extra assistance to maintain good health and prevent ill health in the future. Your doctor will always provide you with a written summary for you to keep so that over time you can monitor your progress towards achieving your stated goals.

Health Assessment’s include:  
    Over 75’s Health Check
    People aged 45 to 49 at risk of developing a chronic disease
    People aged 40 to 49 with a high risk of developing type 2 diabetes
    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health check
    Intellectual Disability
    Dept. Of Veteran’s Affairs

Patients over 65 years of age are encouraged to have a fluvax yearly and pneumovax every five years. Any detail concerning these are available from our receptionist.

The shingles vaccine, Zostavax®, has been approved to be placed on the National Immunisation Program (NIP), to be provided free of charge from 1 November 2016 to people aged 70 years, subject to vaccine supply. There will also be a five year catch-up program for people aged 71 – 79 years.
The implementation of new vaccination programs under the NIP is a major task that takes approximately 12-18 months from receipt of Government funding approval. This time is required for activities such as the procurement of vaccine; vaccine safety surveillance planning; development of appropriate communications; and negotiation with states and territories regarding implementation requirements and timing. In the case of the Zostavax® vaccine, time is also required to develop and roll out an adult vaccination register. Please be aware Zostervax currently out of stock Australia Wide.

Electronic Communication

Electronic communication provides a useful and alternative point of access for our patients. Our patients have the option to contact or be contacted by our practice through electronic means via email and/or return SMS. 
Please be aware there are risks associated with some methods of electronic communications and that your privacy and confidentiality may be compromised. Our practice adheres to the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), the Privacy Act 1988, Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) Health Records Act 2001 (Vic).


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